Site Store Pro Shopping Cart Release History

Below is the version release history of Site Store Pro. There have been 47 full releases of Site Store Pro since the original public release in January 2006.

Download Zip Files Last Updated: 06-07-2024 09:59 PM PDT

Your current Site Store Pro version number is listed on the footer of the store’s web-based admin system.

June 2024– ( Version 2.2406-i) 

  • Enhanced CMS Editor With Improved Code View Features (WYSIWYG editor interface also updated to TinyMCE 7.1)
  • Removed "sspro" cookies for qty and cart subtotal for strict PCI compliance (data now shown in plugins via PHP session variables)
  • Modified Customer Profile Update Form For Universal Opt-in On Mailing List Plugins
  • Optimized Install Process For Quicker Database Installation and some host specific install issues.
  • Updated Document Revision Manager For Easier Identification of Past Page Versions and Re-activation.
  • New Slideshow Plugin Based On SwiperJS (replaces 2023 Slideshow Plugin)
  • New UPS Rates Plugin That works with their upcoming mandatory API changes. (replaces previous plugin)
  • New Posts By Category Display Plugin.

January 2024– ( Version 2.2401-i) 

  • All cumulative minor updates and patches from August 2023 Initial GEN 4 Release Through January 4, 2024
  • Fixed Issue With Dynamic Calendar Display On Specific Small Device Screens
  • Fixed Issue With Front-End Product Builder (Configurator) Form Not Auto-Selecting Previous Radio Button Selection
  • Modified Plugin Settings In Admin To Allow 3rd Party Admin Manager Tools
  • Updated Stripe and Square Payment Plugins With Updated API functions
  • New Site Map Generator Plugin
  • New OpenAI Content Generator Plugin (AI Assissted Content Generation For All Admin Areas)
  • New Shop Bot Pro AI Plugin (Direct API Integration Into ShopBotPro for new products and CMS records and record updates)

August 2023 – Brand-New Platform (4th Gen) Release ( Version 2.2308-i)

  • New SPA (Single Page) Admin System – Every Section | Feature Has Been Updated.
  • New Admin Features Logging-. Admin Features Are Now Logged and Can Be Replaced With Custom Features without affecting future upgrades or updates. (like the front-end files)
  • New Admin Viewing Modes – Light, Dark and Default
  • New Admin Dashboard with interactive graphs, data points and cart usage insights.
  • New Admin Dynamic Menus Manager – All elements of every menu can be controlled (enabled/disabled/edited) directly from the admin area for each user and/or admin login group (user level).
  • New Admin Feature Restriction. Restrict|Hide Any Admin Feature By User Type (Level) and/or Individual User
  • New Admin-Based Shopping Cart Activity Log
  • New, Full-Featured, Complete Site CMS System.
  • New CMS based short code support that replaces the hard-coded feature selectors (backwards compatible with previous CMS page manager)
  • New Drag and Drop Page builder option in the CMS.
  • New CMS Page Security. CMS pages can now can be restricted by an access code, any verified, registered user, specific user or if an item is currently in the user’s shopping cart.
  • New CMS Page Categories and SEO Tags. CMS Pages now have optional categorization and SEO tags.
  • New CMS Page featured images and page excerpts.
  • New CMS Pagel full-width header images.
  • New Product Link Generator Plugin
  • New CMS Link Generator Plugin
  • Plugin Based Product Displays can now have three different (individually assignable) display types: GRID, LIST or SCROLLER. All plugins that show products including the home page items, featured items plus the new category list and custom items list now include that feature.
  • New Product Categories Link Generator Plugin
  • New CMS Categories and Tags Generator Plugin
  • New Content Links Generator System With Live Search Feature
  • New Media Distribution System for CMS site pages with optional file expiration and dynamic URL generation. (Existing Shopping Cart Downloads and Video System Is still also available for purchased items)
  • Home Page can be a CMS page instead of the home page manager selections page.
  • New Sample store and core cart display files that are not Bootstrap based. (Bootstrap can still be used but it is not required now for full front-end functionality).
  • Modified auto image upload to check where an previous image is set as the search results image already
  • New “Active” Filter To Admin Products Search.
  • New Support Ticket Submission Form Inside Of Admin (Available on bottom of every page)
  • New Custom Redirect URL for Add-To-Cart Function. (Allows admin to set a custom page to be displayed after an item is added to the cart instead of either redirecting to the shopping cart display or getting a modal alert that the item was added. Useful feature to create specialized product promotions.)
  • New Cart Prerequisite Feature For Products. (Allows admin to set a requirement that a specific item is already in the shopping cart in order for the item to be added to the cart. Provides additional discount rules capabilities beyond standard BOGO rules).
  • Re-added item and category usage tracking to the core care application framework to allow better tracking of cart / item conversions. (Feature was previously removed in 2014)
  • New Dynamic Top Navigation System with Enhanced Mobile Features including off-canvas/left slide-out mobile menu, faster load times, streamlined CSS and embedded plugin short code support for menu items.
  • New Quick-View Slide-out Cart system (plugin) with cleaner formatting, enhancement mobile compatibility and embedded plugin support to display content such as promotions and recommended items inside the cart slideout.
  • New Admin Based CSS System. CSS can now be directly managed in the admin area. ( can manage a unified CSS file externally instead).
  • New full site and online store unified CSS.. Example: all forms now use the same unified CSS from contact forms to product forms to registration. You no longer need to manage multiple form layouts and CSS rules.
  • New Simplified/Unified Product Layout CSS that uses Grid CSS and Flexbox. All Layouts can be directory customized from the admin area and UNLIMITED custom layouts can be created through the admin. (i.e. you longer need to create a custom layout file and upload it via FTP)
  • New Registration Forms Manager With Ability To Turn on/off both guest and ‘quick form’ fields from the admin area.
  • New Registration Forms Layout (CSS) with stacked and multiple fields per line.
  • New CMS Forms Manager With Ajax Based Forms.
  • New Auto Opt-In Feature To Create Subscription Forms Without an opt-in checkbox (two examples included in demo store).
  • New Plugin-Based Product Reviews System includes ajax-based reviews display, reviews submission form and cleaner summary display, sortable display by date, highest rated, lowest rated.
  • New Product Manager Feature To Turn Off Entire Tabs Display for Service-only items such as invoices.
  • New Customer Account Manager With Sortable and Searchable Order History. Completely New Layout and Cleaner Formatting.
  • New Order Confirmation Page Formatting With Cleaner, Unified Display and responsive order details layout.
  • New Product Search Results Page with multiple layout choices and additional right or left column content options.
  • New email templates with better mobile viewing experience, “View In Browser” option and conditional rules to accommodate specific formatting requirements for GMAIL, Outlook, etc.
  • New Secondary Main Category Feature: Assign unlimited main categories to the same item in addition to the current Main Category > Sub-Category > Collection system.
  • New Slideshows system and default plugin that can be used on any page with enhanced mobile/touch support and customization features.
  • New Pop-Ups system and default plugin that can be used on any page for fully-customized popups for subscription modals, product specials and more.
  • New Complete Events Manager with updated calendar, system and date and time based inventory.
  • Updated Video Player and Video Display System For Both The Previous Platform and the New Platform. Includes Cleaner Display as well as Picture-in-Picture functionality.
  • WebP image support added to all image upload functions (previously only available for products).
  • New Enhanced Google G4 Analytics with complete purchase funnel tracking built-in.

Previous Releases * = Major Release

October 2022 (Final Gen 3 FULL Release) 2.2210-i
  • New default (non-plugin) product image view system that contains similar features to the 3rd party Magic Zoom plus plugin.
  • New Plugins system with embedded CMS content and filtered records support.
  • New Testimonials Display Plugin with product-specific filter option.
  • Added Option to Include Additional Product’s Media Above The Images Display. (i.e. for Product Videos, 360 Product Viewer, PDF Specs Sheet, etc)
  • Added Option for alternate SEO URL (slug) on main category.
  • Added Option To Hide Retail Pricing On Add To Cart Page (i.e. for items that only have a price once an option is selected)
  • Updated Testimonials Manager With Product Specific Content Fields.
  • Updated 2021 dynamic Navigation Menu plugin to allow custom CSS to override default color schemes.
  • Updated default primary button CSS to allow custom button CSS rule override.
  • Updated CMS page structure to remove default left/right padding and allow designers to specify exact content padding requirements via CSS.
  • Fixed issue where a jQuery ajax “popstate” function was generating a console error when changing thumbnail views under WordPress.
August 2022 2.2208-i*
  • New Quick View Item Popup –  Cleaner Display (FlexBox CSS) that is not dependent on bootstrap. Item Quick View Modal window can now be triggered for individual items from anywhere on the site on both Site Store Pro and WPCartPro installs. (instead of only from product search result grids, home page displays and the store default landing page).
  • New Automated Database Installation – No longer need to connect to database and install SQL script manually. The most requested feature addition by designers and developers!
  • New Social Logins plugin included for all platforms.  The Social Logins plugins allows the user to login their with Google, Twitter and Facebook accounts to bypass the user account registration and therefore increase order conversions.
  • New customer registration feature to activate a minimal “quick” account registration form (name and email only) that overrides the required field settings such as address, city, and country. Will automatically prompt user for the shipping address information if required.
  • New Guest user alert on /myaccount/ page. Instead of automatically logging guest users off the site and redirecting them to a login page, it alerts them that they are guest user only and must register for a full, password protected user account to access the myaccount area. Also, gives the guest user the option of returning to the order checkout area
  • New WPCartPro WordPress shopping cart features including home page items display with quick-view add-to-cart features, home page items carousel, sliding cart display, /myaccount/ area display, categories display and more.
  • Modified Store Default Display (/store/index.php) and CSS file with

    tags on section headers

  • Modified tell-a-friend form processing code to prevent STMP server rejections for non-verified “from” email address.
  • Modified Dashboard Yearly Sales Graph to auto-populate current year sales data (in case install is not updated from previous year)
  • Modifed margin-left width on small devices on store results and item view pages to prevent text alignment/readability issues.
  • Modified (limited) form width on password reset page to prevent formatting issues on some WordPress Themes.
  • Modified system-generated email(s)formatting to display more consistently on small device screens.(order confirmation, registration confirmation, password reset, etc)
  • Modified system-generated email(s) to specify sender ‘name’ on all email types. (order confirmation, registration confirmation, password reset, etc)
  • Modified shopping cart display page and order review page coupon code field to force limited width for compatibility with some WordPress themes that force all form fields 100% wide.
  • Fixed issue where admin area help system keyword search was not working on PHP 8.1.9
  • Fixed WordPress CSS load issue on store default page where CSS wasn’t being loaded on Ajax callback items under specific WordPress configurations.
  • Fixed issue where item qty selector widget would not display on one line in specific WordPress themes.
June 2022
  • Fixed issue where left nav open button was showing on dynamic home page on specific mobile devices when disabled.
  • Modified products search code (engine) to work more efficiently with MySQL 8.0 Full Text (Natural Language)
  • Updated Admin Area TinyMCE Text Editors to Version 6.03
  • Updated CMS Editor Image Upload Module Code
  • Updated PayPal Checkout Payments Plugin
  • Updated Stripe Payment Plugin
  • Updated Constant Contact Mailing Plugin
  • Updated FedEx API Shipping Rates Plugin
  • Updated UPS Shipping Rates Plugin
  • Updated Magic Zoom Image Viewer Plugin
  • Fixed Array Error With PHP 8.1 On Custom Item Builder Module (6-29-2022)
October 2021 2.2110-i*
  • Added "Quick View" Add-To-Cart Popup Modal Feature On Results Page For All Installations. (Can Turn On/Off From Admin Per Individual Item)
  • Added Completely New & Modernized Sample Store With More Information And Tips To Better Illustrate Cart Features.
  • Added Support For Bootstrap 5 On All Core Files Plus Sample Store.
  • Added Full-Width Category Image To Search Results & Moved h1 Search Title To Top Of Results Display.
  • Added Optional h1 Page Title Text To Shopping Cart Display Page.
  • Added Optional h1 Page Title Text to All Customer Account Management Forms.
  • Added Optional h1 Page Title Text To Customer Registration Thank you page.
  • Added Optional h1 Page Title Text To Password Reset Request Page.
  • Added Optional h1 Page Title Text to Account Login Page.
  • Added Optional h1 Page Title Text to Order Review Page.
  • Added Optional h1 Page Title Text to Order Confirmation (Completion) Page.
  • Added ON/OFF toggle to Guest Checkout Header Image.
  • Added Optional Stock Level Display On Item View Page.
  • Added Minified CSS Files & Added Dynamic Runtime File Check To Determine If Minified CSS Is Present.
  • Added Minified CSS Rules On All Plugins.
  • Updated Magic Zoom Product Image Viewer Plugin.
  • Updated Add-To-Cart Link Feature To Use Ajax Instead Of Curl To Support Proxies Such As Cloudflare Where Function Could Be Blocked By Their Firewalls.
  • Updated Cross-Selling Items To Display With Flexbox To Eliminate Text Wrapping Around Thumbnail Image.
  • Updated Shopping Cart Display Page So It Now Stacks Line Items On Small Mobile Devices. (No More Horizontal Scroll On Responsive Table)
  • Updated Designer Cart Download Store Files With New Simpler Design Includes Scheme To Simplify Design Integration And Modifications.
  • Updated Testimonials Display Page.
  • Updated Bootstrap Basic Search Plugin (Req. For Bootstrap5).
  • Updated CMS Display Page For Cleaner Formatting.
  • Updated Admin CMS Manager.
  • Updated TinyMCE in admin to version 5.9.2.
  • Updated SEO Links Manager To Automatically Include Optimized SEO-Friendly URL When Adding New Item.
  • Fixed Issue Where Discount Price Div Was Not Aligning Correctly On Specific Devices.
  • Fixed Issue Where Product Tab Links Were Causing Page Reload With Specific Jquery Ajax Conflict.
  • Fixed Issue Where The "Filters Button" Would Still Appear On Page Even Though Left Menu Was Disabled.
  • Included "Btn-Light" Css Class To Replace "Btn-Default" In site_store_pro_responsive.css (Req.For Bootstrap5)
  • Included "Qty-Button" To site_store_pro_product_view_responsive.css (Req.For Bootstrap5).
  • Included Dozens Of Usability Enhancements To Results, Item View And Checkout Areas.
  • Released New "Sliding Quick Cart' Display Plugin For All API Versions Of The Cart.
  • Released New Dynamic Navigation Menu Plugin (2021 Top Navigation Plugin)
  • Released New Quick Cart Status Bar Plugin With Font-Awesome Support.
  • Released New Advanced Home Page Gallery System Plugin.
December 2020
  • New 'Buy Now' Direct Link / URL feature (Added 12/27/2020)
  • New Store Email Sending System Using New PHPMail Version. (PHP 8 Ready)
  • Modified all php functions and arrays throughout core cart code for PHP 8 compatibility.
  • Modified Checkout Order Review and Submission Code For Any External Payment Plugins Such as Stripe and Square.
  • Fixed issue with cookie not being set in simple cart display plugin on specific installs.
  • Fixed issue with sql escape characters on mysqli admin function.
  • Fixed issue where "" in form fields not showing in custom checkout forms.
  • Fixed issue on the CMS testimonials page where the old google captcha was still showing.
  • Fixed issue on WordPress version with jQuery conflict on password form field reveal.
May 2019
  • New MailChimp 3.0 Plugin. (Recommend all API platform users install this part of the version release, click here for stand-alone upgrade.)
  • Updated core keyword search code to work with MySQL 8x.
  • Updated AJAX search functions for better usability including back/forward history and direct CMS page access.
  • Updated Home Page Image Plugin(s) 1 and 2 with corrected seo friendly alt tags.
  • Updated Google ReCaptcha scripts with latest version.
  • Updated order review page to fix rendering issue on specific iOS mobile versions.
  • Updated several jQuery references to fix issues on specific WordPress installs.
  • Updated the Admin area tinyMCE include file to prevent non-secure message under specific admin situations.
  • Updated checkout and registration forms to prevent potential PHP 7.2+ issue with custom form field arrays.
  • Updated item view page to display more accurately on different mobile display types.
  • Fixed issue in admin where items with no active image would return search error under certain session condition.
  • Replaced social feed item image with default item image if not specified by admin.
  • Applied several PCI-compliance related code fixes to search and item display include files to prevent false positive alerts from ASV scan.
May 2017
  • Updated Shop-By-Styles Home Page Display For Better Mobile Compaibility and Cleaner Display
  • Updated Lightbox 2 plugin to remove additional Jquery declaration for better compatibiity and smaller load size.
  • Updated CMS and Search results page CSS to allow full-height columns and a more consistent display experience across different devices. (FlexBox)
  • Updated results header breadcrumb links to post back to same URL format as origin (querystring or SEO friendly).
  • Fixed issue where shipping source zip code could not be updated via admin form.
  • Optimized Checkout Experience including cart status on desktop pages and streamlined mobile checkout experience.
  • Entire Sample Store Has Been Optimized For Smaller Devices.
  • New Feature To Allow Left Navigation Plugin Usage On CMS Pages And Item View Pages (Not Only The Catalog (Store) Results Page)
  • New Dynamic Top Navigation Plugin Including "Cached Copy" Featured For High-Traffic / Large Stores.
  • New Home Page Image Plugin Feature to Display Sectional Images With URL Target, Background and Custom CSS.
  • New Home Page Items Scroller (JQuery Product Carousel) Plugin,
  • New Site Announcement Plugin (i.e Top Site Text Banner With Direct URL Link To Content).
  • New Social Media Icons (Links) Plugin.
  • New Plugin-Based Footer Builder (Bootstrap Responsive) with Social Links, Payment icons and fully-editable 4 columns of footer content.
  • New SEO features including Facebook (Open Graph), Google and Twitter Tags. Will Auto-populate based on product info or admin can manually add their own optimized tags content.
  • New +/- QTY Selector on Details Page
  • New Optional (Alternative) "Short Description" Field That Will Override Default Short Description On Details Page.
  • New Add To Cart Feature On Results Page - (Ajax Add to Cart Function Without Page Reload)
  • New Collapsible Filters Left Navigation Menu For Mobile Devices. (left navigation now accessible on small screen mobile devices)
  • New Specials and Featured Items Overlay Icons On Results Page.
  • New Canonical Feature On Item View Page to Prevent Duplicate Page Entries in Search Engine Indexes and Increase SEO.
  • New Default Feature to Exclude Drill-Down Filters (QueryString Parameters) From Left Navigation Menu And Embedded Page Drill-Downs From Bot Spider To Speed Up Site Indexing On Large Sites and Prevent Index Loops. (All Other Menus | Links Will Still Be Spidered For Complete Index Of All Categories and Products)
May 2016
  • New 100% MySQLi ADMIN AREA (Removed all mysql_connect db functions from administration area)
  • Recoded | converted all admin functions/forms from old InterAKT Kollection Code to new mysqli classes / functions.
  • New Admin Area Product Search Including Keyword Searching For Items On Every Admin Page
  • New Product Image Plugins Systems - Allows 3rd party image viewers on item view page (ie. MagicZoomPlus)
  • Fixed issue where some PCI - XSS scans were returning false positive alerts on the search results title.
  • Fixed issue where session manager diagnostics could display incorrect error info.
  • Fixed issue where image / upload browsing window was not working on specific Linux server configurations
  • Updated USPS API rates plugin to include new API calls / parameters.
January 2015*
  • New 100% MySQli Front-end Cart (Removed all mysql_connect db functions from front-end cart files)
  • > Streamlined Core Cart Code: Removed All Legacy Code Files | Features and Reduced Install Footprint By 32%
  • > Core Cart Cart Is Now Interchangeable with Wordpress Plugin to Allow Switching Between Standalone and WP install types.
  • Boostrap3 now optional on new installs (embed in any responsive framework or non-responsive design with same core framework & files)
  • New Sample Store Design That is Greatly simplified for easier integration/modification to fit your design requirements.
  • New OOP Cart Discounts Module (Centralized Item Pricing Class)
  • New Open API Plugin system For Payment Gateways, Shipping Providers, Search Bars, Quick Cart, Top Navigation Systems, LeftNavs, Email List Providers
  • New Dynamic Home Page With Selectable Content Regions and Display Plugins
  • New Shipping Module With Sortable Real time rates
  • New Shipping Flat-Rate Fallback Feature For Failed Realtime Rate Calls (if provider is down, etc)
  • New Product Options Calculator (Pricing) Display
  • New One-Time Fee Option for List Menu 1 and 2 (instead of default where option fee is multiplied by qty)
  • New External Video Delivery/Distribution Option With Amazon S3 Secured/Expiring Link Feature
  • New "Quick Customize" Feature that includes:
    • Custom Item Pricing Rules
    • Custom Shipping Selections
    • Custom Flat-Rate Rules
    • Custom Gateway Integration
  • New Unified Modal System. (one file controls all modal windows across entire application instead of multiple embedded modal css/js references)
  • New Built-in "Donation" feature for products to collect donations with built in max and default values plus donation list option for set values.
  • Optimized Shopping Cart Display For Better Mobile Device Viewing.
  • Modified Both the Tell-A-Friend and Review Submission Process For Better Mobile Device Experience.
  • Modified The Error Message Display For PayPal and Amazon Payment Failures To Prevent Confusion When Selecting Alternate Payment Method.
  • Modified Product List Menu #1 & #2 options to include default select option, wholesale user speecific label and fee, shipping weight options and sales tax options.
  • Modified the "delete item from cart item" behavior to prevent double clicks which could casue an "item not found" error.
  • Modified Search Results Breadcrumbs to Allow Disabling Of Individual Link Types (i.e. brand, cateogory, subcategory, etc)
  • Modified Search Results Display Manager To Allow Disabling Left Navigation, Use Plugins For Left Nav and/or Use Wordpress Sidebar (WpCartPro)
  • Added Max Qty Option and Qty List Option To Product Manager
  • Reformatted Product Builder Display To Match Existing Product Options CSS
  • Fixed Discounts Manager to Not Require Discount Filter Selection On Installs without subcategories/collections.
  • Removed reCaptcha as the default form verification on the admin login and replaced with easier to read/enter captcha solution.
October 2014 2.1410
  • Added New Sample Store Design (Layout) With 100% Width Footer and Header
  • Added Both Dreamweaver Templates (DWT Files) and Design Include Versions To Install Zip Files.
  • Added Previous Sample Store Design Layouts As Design "Starting Points" to Install Zip Files.
  • Added Sliding Cart "Quick View" To Quick Cart Bar Display. Controlled In Admin Under Store Setup > Shopping Display > Quick Display Setup.
  • Added Ability To Disable Collapsible Navigation Sections On Left Menu. Controlled In Admin Under CMS > Categories Menu Config.
  • Added padding around shopping cart display area to fix display issues on specific mobile devices.
  • Added Additional Column To Default Footer Display On Sample Store. (Does Not Affect Existing Installs)
  • Fixed issue where disable qty field was not working on shopping cart display after BOGO code was added.
  • Fixed issue where a closing div tag was incorrectly removed on item view display if product reviews were disabled.
  • Fixed issue where salutation was not showing up on specific order confirmation emails.
  • Fixed issue where order confirmation header image could not be disabled on specific release versions.
  • Updated password reset form with responsive recaptcha display.
  • Updated Item Search Results With Additional Padding Below Show All Button When Displayed as CSS Button.
September 2014
  • Fixed shopping cart buttons alignment issue (non-centering) on some browsers.
  • Fixed issue on quick display triggering mixed ssl content warning
  • Fixed issue on private store feature to prevent a redirect loop to account login page on specific Apache configurations.
  • Fixed issue in admin where customization log was not display all available files.
  • Fixed issue in admin where date range selector was not working for some reports due to Jquery error.
  • Added padding around shopping cart display area to fix display issues on specific mobile devices.
  • Added CSS Only Buttons Feature To Allow Non-Image based buttons for all forms and functions on front-end store files.
  • Added ability to turn breadcrumbs off on item details page directly from admin. (previous feature that had been removed)
  • Added new CSS formatting (media queries) to better display order review page on very small mobile devices
  • Updated Order Review Page With Enhanced Formatting for better device resizing and new embedded alternate shipping address form to fix issue with some touch devices.
  • Updated Account Login Page To Fix Some Minor Mobile Device Content Alignment Issues
  • Updated password reset form with responsive recaptcha display.
  • Updated design include files for easier customization. (added DIR_FILE for include references)
  • Updated web.config rules for SEO-mode to fix issue where specific IIS Servers with IIS Rewrite enabled were causing session loss in Chrome.
August 2014
  • Added New Natural Language Search (MySQL Full-Text) For Products With Keyword(s) Relevance Ordering
  • Added Optional CMS Content Search Feature That Displays Site Page Search Results Below The Product Results
  • Added Feature To Include 3rd Party Search Provider Such As Google Site Search Directly From Admin Area Without Customization Any Files
  • Added Feature That Will Automatically Disable Products From Search Results & Item View Page If Their Parent Brand Category, Subcategory Or Collection Are Turned Off In Admin. (Allows Batch Disabling Of Item Groups Without Having To Turn Off The Items Individually Or Perform A Batch SQL Query Against Products Table)
  • Added Option To Disable Store Starting Page ( /store/index.php). Many Stores Do Not Use That Page And Have Requested The Option To Turn If Off Via The Admin. (Customers Will Be Redirected To The Site Home Page If They Try To Access /Store/default.Php When It Is Turned Off).
  • Added "Private Store" Feature Where Merchant Can Turn Off Public Access To The Store And Force Registration And Verification Before Allowing Customer To See Any Content.
  • Added New Unlimited Custom Form Fields Manager On Order Review Page To Collect Order-Specific Information From The Customer That Is Not Collected On The Customer Registration Form Or Required For Orders Only or Guest Customers. (Entered Data Is Appended To The Order Comments.)
  • Updated Products Import Function To Automatically Index New Imported Products For Full-Text Keyword Search Feature.
  • Fixed issue in admin where the "Return To Search Results" was not working correctly on specific installs.
  • Updated The "Go Direct To SKU" And "Go Direct To Single Results Item" As Optional Features In Search Module.
  • Updated Products Duplicator To Now Include Duplication Of Product Builder Selections.
  • Updated Alternate Shipping Address Form So Disabled Countries And Disabled States Now Won't Show Up On Alternate Shipping Form.
  • Updated Import/Export Products Link In Reports Area To Fix Missing The File Extension (.php)
  • Updated Products Search Module For Better Performance And More Accurate Results On Large Data Sets.
  • Fixed Issue Where CMS Contact Form Was Not Saving Multi-Checkbox Form Values To Form Submission Log.
  • Fixed Issue On Left Drill-Down Menu To Exclude Menu Records (List Items) That Were Marked To "Not Be Included In Menus" (Matches Functionality Of All Other Menus In System)
  • Fixed Issue Where The Item Search And Item View Page Setup Links On Mega Menu Drop-Down Were Directing Merchant To Store URL Setup Page Instead Of Correct Setup Pages.
  • Removed Help Admin System Keyword Search Bar From Bottom Menu In Responsive Admin Layout Since Merchants (Admins) Were Accidently Clicking On It To Update And Insert Forms.
July 2014*
  • New Responsive Admin Area With All New Dashboard features, new inventory manager and a completely new interface. Based on Bootstrap 3.
  • New CMS contact forms manager. Unlimited custom contact forms with direct integration into MailChimp and ConstantContact APIs. Works with all devices and includes responive catpcha. Includes contact submisssions log in admin area which can be exported to use as Opt-in list for other external list providers.
  • New CMS Events Calendar manager. Unlimited event calendars with both generic calendar listings as well as filtered event and item listings. Calandars are fully responsive and skinnable directly via custom CSS.
  • Fixed issue where left navigation would not work on php installs with register_globals set to "on"
  • Fixed issue on left menu where "shop our store label" was not displaying on CMS pages.
  • Fixed issue where captcha error was not appearing on the admin login page on some installs.
  • Fixed issue in admin where discount was not retaining assigned collection filter in admin edit page.
  • Fixed issue in admin where CMS page was not displaying alert message to installs that were not upgraded.
  • Fixed issue in admin where the "Return To Search Results" was not working correctly on specific installs.
June 2014*
  • New Responsive Sample Store Design Built On Top Of Twiter's Bootstrap 3 CSS Framework.
  • New Dynamic CMS (Content Management System) To Create New Full Pages For Site Root Content. Dynamic Content Pages Are SEO Friendly. (Managed Via Admin Area Under New 'CMS' Section.)
  • New Dynamic Top Menu System With Unlimited Custom Tabs, Nested Menus And Custom HTML Features. (Managed Via Admin Area Under New 'CMS' Tab.)
  • New Site Structure that allows equally simple design integration using either the Dreamweaver DWT templates or the new "design includes" sample store for users who do not use Dreamweaver.
  • New Dynamic Site Footer Content System. (Managed Via Admin Area Under New 'CMS' Tab.)
  • New Dynamic Drill-Down (Filtered) Left Menu System That Show Current Search Criteria And Allows Removal Of Filters. (Managed Via Admin Area Under New 'CMS' Tab.)
  • New "Demographics" categorization feature. Now easily associate items as "Men's", "Women's", "Boy's", "Girl's", "Babies", "Baby Boys", "Baby Girl"s or "Seniors" without having to setup dedicated categories or shop-by records. Assign an item to one or multiple demographics by simply clicking on the filter on the item editor page. Demographic grouping spanning all categories is now a simple point and click process.
  • New Dynamic Product Images Module With Enhanced Zoom, Magnifier And Thumbnail Functions. (Managed Via Admin Area Under Specific Product's Image Manager.)
  • New Dynamic Product View Display Layout Selection. Change The Item View Layout In Real-Time With 5 Included Layouts. Managed Via Admin Area Under Specific Product Manager.
  • New Color Swatch Image Selection Feature For Product Colors On Item View Page. Managed Via Admin Area Under Products > Colors.
  • New Feature For Sizes, Colors And Materials To Allow The Option (Size, Color Or Material) To Either Be Applied To An Item With The Default Option Attributes (Label, Additional Fee, Etc.) ..OR.. The Admin Can Now Assign Custom Attributes Per Item (Label, Fee, Etc.). With This New Feature, The Administrator Can Now Re-Use Common Options Such As "Blue" or "Large" For Multiple Items But Change The Fee, Label And Other Attributes For The Specific Product For Which It is Assigned. (i.e. You Won't Have To Recreate The Same Color Each Time When An Attribute Needs To Be Changed For A Specific Item and can instead use the same option so simplify the management of the Colors, Sizes and Materials on the store.
  • New Responsive Video Player for Both the Item View Page and Customer Ordered (On-Demand) Videos.
  • New SEO Features For Items (Alternate Product Page Titles and SEO Links Instead of Using the Product Name)
  • New Admin Products Duplicator With Ability To Specify Duplication Of Product's Images (or not).
  • Added Feature To Search Module That Will Redirect Customer Directly To Item When Searched By SKU Or Item ID or If There Is Only One Item In The Results.
  • Added Amazon Payments To Enterprise And Developer Versions (Now Built-In To Admin Area And Checkout).
  • Added Coupon Code | Gift Certificate Entry To Order Review (In Addition To Shopping Cart Page Coupon Code Entry Form)
  • Added "Pending" Pay-By-Check/Po Orders Feature To Admin And Disabled Customer Media Viewing/Downloads For Pending Pay-By-Check Orders.
  • Added Responsive Recaptcha Feature (Auto-Sizing To Fit Small Mobile Devices)
  • Added Feature To Automatically Set Store URL And Checkout URL Values When Installing New Store.
  • Added Feature To Disable Search Results Image From Displaying On Item View Page (Useful For Items With A General Picture and then many individual pictures for item colors).
  • Removed Item Download Button/Links On Printable Order Receipt (Since They Are Not Required By Customer On Print Version Of The Receipt).
  • Fixed Issue Where Customer's Selected Shipping Preference Could Default Back To First Choice Available When Returning From Paypal To Complete Express Payment.
  • Fixed Issue Where Customer's Gift Wrapping Preference May Be Defaulted Back To First Choice When Returning From Paypal To Complete Express Payment.
  • Fixed Issue Where Real-Time Shipping Rates Markup Value Would Not Be Applied To Default (Initial) Selection On Specific Install Versions.
  • Fixed Issue Where Dynamic Meta Description Was Populated By Keywords Field In Dynamic Item Display Manager In Some Versions.
  • Fixed Issue Where Wishlist Button Was Appearing For Guest Checkout Users After Completing Their Purchase.
  • Update Site News Manager With Enchanced Editor and Image Upload Features.
  • Updated Shipping Module With Minor USPS First Class And Fedex International Rate Updates/Fixes.
  • Updated Sales By Order Report To Display Guest Checkout User's Email Address.
  • Updated Product Reviews Display With Pagination Feature, New User Add Form And Responsive Design Support.
  • Updated Checkout Form To Included Mobile Friendly Div Payment Selection Buttons For Easier Payment Selection On Mobile Device
April 2014
  • Added Default Support for Store Installation Load Balancing. (MySQL-database session management instead of PHP file based cart sessions.)
  • Added Streamlined Checkout Experience with Credit Card/PayPal/P.O. Selection (Billing Form) on Order Review Page.
  • Added Guest Checkout System that works with both download and/or shippable items.
  • Added Redeemded Item-Specific Coupon Code Value to Order Details Display Page in Admin Area.
  • Added additional compliance / error checks for recently specified XSS PCI Scan triggers in the core search module.
  • Added CDN & External URL support for product images and external URL (cloud) and Amazon S3 Expiring URLs support for order downloads.
  • Fixed issue where download and ship items set as 'ship only' would still offer download option under specific configuration/setup.
  • Fixed issue where STMP email send option was not authenticating on some installs.
  • Fixed issue where "quick cart" top bar could sporadically show incorrect subtotal on checkout "start" page before proceeding to order review where it was then displayed correctly.
  • Fixed issue where USPS first-class would not appear on specific configurations.
  • Fixed issue on item display page where zoom image could not be disabled after uploading image file.
  • Fixed issue where regular price was not appearing when wholesale price was set on item details page.
  • Fixed issue where WYSIWYG editor was not showing up on the admin area discounts add/edit forms due to a Jquery conflict.
February 2014*
  • Added new feature to disable/enable reCaptcha option on new user registration form via admin area (located in Store Setup > User Registration Setup > User Registration Configuration | Content (Retail - Wholesale)
  • Added BOGO discount type to allow Buy X get Y at Z off discounts via the web-based admin.
  • Fixed issue where item SKU would not appear on admin order details display.
  • Added new security feature for distinct token/loginID authentication for multi-servers configs with load balancing (now included with all install types)
  • Fixed issue where "Wishlist" requests were not redirecting back to correct item page in SEO-friendly mode on specific installs.
  • Fixed issue where product review's average (stars displays) would not show up correctly on specific installs and always displayed 0 out 5 stars.
  • Added feature to hide pricing on results display even if item is active / available for purchase. (useful for download and ship items or items that require options to determine final price)
  • Changed default min amount filter on new discounts from 0.01 to 0.00 to help merchants avoid incorrect rules setup.
  • USPS rates API module updated as per USPS Jan/Feb release.
  • Added shipping fields data to API post to support enhanced fraud filters on sites that require stricter AVS (address verification settings).
December 2013
  • New Mobile Add-to-Cart Form for enhanced device display compatibility.
  • New Discount Feature For Wholesale User-Only Coupon Codes.
  • New Home Page Specials Display Scroller.
  • New Captcha Verification Feature On User Registration/Checkout Form.
  • Update to USPS shipping module to prevent "First Class" option from not showing as list option.
  • Fixed issue on home page brands display going direct to mobile.
  • Fixed issue on home page Shop-By-Occasion link not working in SEO mode.
  • Fixed issue on search results link image where default image name did not update.
  • Fixed issue where gift wrap total value would not appear on specific installations during checkout review.
  • Admin Area: Fixed broken link to SEO friendly setup file examples.
  • Admin Area: Fixed typo on add affiliate level page.
  • Admin Area: Custom Reports Manager to record/track your own uploaded reports in database. Reports will not be overwritten by upgrades to cart.
March 2013* 2.1303
  • Added Full Product Import | Export Tools In Web-Based Admin For PHP Version.
  • Added new product review captcha to prevent conflict on certain browser configurations (jquery clone error fix).
  • Fixed link issue on home page main category links / image going to mobile version (incorrectly forced to mobile view)
  • Fixed issue where product review average was conflicting with min qty purchase filter setting.
  • Removed the old dynamic menu includes from the dynamic menu directory to prevent conflicts with original PHP menu setups.
  • Added Affiliates Level(s) Management To Web-based admin.
  • Added Australia (AU Dollar) To PayPal Standard Currency Types.
  • Added Unlimited Lists / Options Manager to Product Manager.
  • Updated products duplicator feature includes copying of product options, lists and input fields.
  • Fixed issue on testimonials edit form in admin where date type was invalid.
  • New Order Report By Date Included Sales Tax totals.
  • Updated shipping module to support change for USPS parcel post API parameters.
  • Fixed issue on shop-by-occasions home page links where URL pointed to invalid path.
  • Fixed issue on item view loader where specific SEO friendly links would fail due to locale/server's default language.
December 2012*
  • New Desktop Version Sample Store Design.
  • New "Responsive" Mobile eCommerce System.
  • Enchanced Mobile Device Detection Module.
  • SEO Friendly URLs now can be enabled from the admin area without custom modifications to cart source files. (Must modify server's .htaccess file or web.config file manually however to enable feature.)
  • New Shop-By Styles Manager and SEO Friendly Results Display.
  • New Shop-By-Occasions Manager and SEO Friendly Results Display.
  • Fixed Issue On Size, Color and Material Lists Not Sorting Correctly On Item View.
  • Fixed Shipping Lookup Error When Custom Rates Feature Turned On But No Lists Active.
  • Fixed Issue Where Weight Range On Item Specific Coupon Codes Would Disable Discount.
  • Added Ability To Have One Image With Standard Zoom (Instead Of Requiring Multiple Images To Use Standard Zoom Popup).
  • Fixed "Invalid Array" Error For Past Viewed Items Display On Specific Apache / PHP versions.
  • Fixed Issue Where Specific PayPal Standard Accounts would not process total with zero pricing on items but shipping fee applied.
October 2012
  • Size, Color and Material options can now include sales tax triggers, item weight additions and wholesale user option fee discount and wholesale user specific list menu / cart labels
  • Enhanced Mobile Device Detection Module For Mobile Site Option.
  • Fixed issue in products results sorter where disabling 'Sort By Price' would break sort menu.
  • Added PCI compliance fix where login page triggered false positive XSS vulnerability alert with Nexus-based scans.
  • Fixed issue where specific PHP installs would not add leading zero to date months from January-Sept (i.e. 01)
  • Added product personalization manager feature in admin.
  • Modifed admin dashboard to include direct links to content manager areas (i..e products, customers, orders, store setup).
  • Fixed issue in Constant Contact email list manager admin not saving list ID.
  • Fixed issue in Collections Manager where link to store results had incorrect URL path.
  • Added enhanced downloadable file posting module to increase large upload speed.
  • Fixed issue on store's product (item) display where default select text for color and size was displayed incorrectly.
June 2012
  • PHP Version: Updated Admin Orders Manager With Past Orders Display
  • PHP Version: Updated Admin Order Details View To Fix Bug On PayPal Order Status Display
  • PHP Version: Updated Admin Email SMTP Test Module To Prevent Linux-Specific Server Error
  • PHP Version: Updated Admin Default Discounts Display To Show Last Added Discounts
  • PHP Version: Updated Sub-Category / Collection Editors To Fix Dependent List Menu Bug
  • PHP Version: Updated Shopping Cart Report To Fix Unique cart Sessions Issue
  • PHP Version: Updated Admin Product Search To Fix Non-Active Items For Search Exclusion
  • PHP Version: Updated Customer Manager Header Include Not Showing Correct # Of Past Orders
  • PHP Version: NEW Highlighting Feature On Customizations Page To Highlight Records Of Custom Files
  • PHP Version: Updated Order Sales Report Feature
  • PHP Version: NEW Products Duplicator Feature - Accessible via Product Manager Screen
  • PHP Version: Updated Home Page Gallery Display To Fix Height Value Not Reading Admin Value
  • PHP Version: Updated Jquery Include File On Store Display From Reloading On Certain Linux Installs
  • PHP Version: NEW Basic Password Validation Option (password_validation_simple.php) For Customer Registration Passwords
  • PHP Version: Replaced Wholesale Registration Module To Automatically Remove Cart Items During Wholesale Registration
  • PHP Version: Updated Billing Form Initialization To Fix Free Item Checkout Bug
  • PHP Version: Updated Dynamic Menu Include File To Fix Bug With Brands Menu Not Disabling
  • PHP Version: Updated Order Review Page Bug To Prevent Real-time Shipping Rates To Not Refresh On Page Load
  • ASP Version: Updated Products Search Engine For Enhanced PCI Compliance Requirements
  • ASP Version: Updated Products Import Module (Faster Engine / Greater Server Compatibility)
  • ASP Version: Updated Testimonials Page To Pass Certain XSS Scripting PCI Compliance Tests
  • ASP Version: Updated USPS Shipping API To Use V4
  • ASP Version: Updated FedEx Shipping API To Use Lastest FedEx API Service.
February 2012*
  • Store customizations are now logged and excluded from upgrades and new version releases. All files are recorded and logged in the MySQL database and upgrading an existing install with a new release will not affect any past design changes, coding additions or administration system modifications.
  • Cart now includes fully customizable store generated emails. The store administrator can control the content from the admin (like the ASP version) and also add install specific content directly to the email design files without breaking any other functionality. All emails are separate HTML templates in PHP version so changing one email will not affect all the other email types in the system.
  • Dynamic top navigation menu includes user-defined tabs and all tabs can be turned off/on via the web-based admin system.
  • Mobile store version can now be turned off/on via the admin and the mobile/desktop version view switcher bar is now dynamically controlled content via the web-based admin system.
  • Testimonials Form contents now managed via web-based admin. Form can also be turned off/on via admin while keeping testimonials display still active.
  • Logon/Logoff link bar now included in default sample store layout.
  • Hover highlighting of search results items. Can be turned on / off via the web-based admin.
  • All sections on the item view page are independent include files and can be moved around for easy layout changes from the default sample store features layout without breaking the functionality of the page.
  • Administrator can now specify the exact sort ordering of the images on the item view display (for products with multiple pictures).
  • Zoom image (magnifier) feature for high-definition views of product images. Feature can be turned on/off from the web-based admin.
  • Product Reviews "Summary Bar Display" on both search results and item view pages showing average review score and star levels. (Can be enabled / disabled for either display via the web-based admin).
  • Product Reviews display content now managed via web-based admin.In addition to sorting by price, title, product id, brand, category, sub-category and collection, customers can now sort their catalog results by highest or lowest rated (reviewed) products, most or least viewed items, most or least popular (sold) items, most recently added or oldest items and most recently edited (updated) or oldest updated items. (All sort features can be turned off / on via the admin).
  • Designer can apply different search results, item details, cart display, checkout, and my account layouts to the install without affecting any design files.
  • Multiple discounts of the same type can be now active and applied at the same time. For example, you can have multiple Coupon Code promotions active at the same time with different codes and order criteria / filter requirements
  • Store discounts can now have both category filters and order filters applied at same time.
  • Free shipping discounts now available on ALL discount types.
  • Administrator can now exclude all or specific states from free shipping discounts (i.e. Puerto Rico, Hawaii).
  • Administrator can now exclude all or specific countries from free shipping discounts.
  • Category based discounts can have description text on item details page.
  • Item-specific coupon info now displayed in cart line items.
  • % based line item discounts now deduct percentage off option fees as well base price of item.
  • Unlimited Registration Fields and Lists!!! Completely new registration form builder system. HTML content and Image headers on any field. Custom HTML form fields now supported.
  • All fields on registration forms now sortable (can appear anywhere on registration forms via admin-defined ordering (position) values).
  • Canadian Provinces now included in default registration forms.
  • Admin can turn off/on any country for registration forms/shipping via admin interface now.
  • Go "Direct to Order Checkout" after verifying account via email activation link. Customers are also auto-logged into site when verifying email address via activation link.
  • Customers can be permanently disabled (deactivated) even if they re-verify their account.
  • User passwords are now encrypted and can be reset by customer. (Forget Password is now password reset feature).
  • All order options (comments, shipping, gift-wrapping) now combined on order review page for a more streamlined and simplified checkout process.
  • Direct Media Viewing and Item Downloads From Emails (No Login Required - secure URL link.)
  • Check Order Status From Order Confirmation Email Directly Via Status Link. (no login required - secure URL link)
  • Checkout system now displays different purchaser text labeling for downloadable, shippable and alternate shipping address | order types.
  • Downloadable items that use the download + ship feature (using special delivery settings) can now be included/excluded for tax calculations in addition to shipping calculations.
  • Purchase Order (P.O.) or post pay checkout (payment) option now included in default release. Administrator can assign PO status to individual customers and then can select to pay by PO or check (post pay) instead of having to pay via credit card, PayPal, etc.
  • US Sales Tax rate can be set to different rates for different states. Unlike the ASP version that by default sets the sales tax rate to only one state, the PHP version can be set to accommodate multiple state tax rates for stores with shipping location in different national locations.Customer can download items directly from order confirmation page instead of having to go to their account manager to download items.
  • Unified Order Details Formatting Manager allows for management of the order details display settings via one admin area instead of multiple formatting tools in ASP version. (Formats the order confirmation page details area, account manager order details, email order confirmation display.)
  • Alternate shipping address opens as jQuery modal window on same page as order review instead of going to separate page entirely in ASP version to simplify adding gift/alternate addresses during checkout.
  • Canada and Europe VAT (Value Added Tax) calculation now included in default configuration.Order Payment & Order Payment History now shown on order details in both admin
  • and customer receipts. (Can be turned on/off in admin system for customer displays.)
  • Printable receipt feature now standard in PHP version. Site Administrator can include own custom company info and header on printable order receipt via web-based admin as well
  • Administrator can now have installation-specific (custom) shipping drop-down selections in addition to FedEx, UPS, USPS real-time rate selection(s) and flat-rate shipping options. The install specific drop-downs allow the admin to specify customer-selectable flat-rate shipping choices such as "Standard Shipping" or "Overnight Shipping". The custom selections can be used in place of or in combination with the real-time service provider rate selections (FedEx, UPS, USPS).Flat-Rate or User-Selectable Rates (custom list selections or real-time service provider rates) can now be used together at the same time. Therefore, the store can use customer-selectable rates for domestic shipments and flat-rates for international shipments or vice-versa.
  • All admin features can be turned off/on to enable certain features on different installations. Custom admin features will not be overwritten with new upgrades since all links and feature activations are controlled by the MySQL database instead of via FTP file upgrades.
  • All web-based administration logins (failed and successful attempts) are now logged and available for review/auditing by Master Administrator(s).Master Administrator can now define the number of failed login attempts that will disable an admin user (login) account. (Default setting is 5 attempts before account is disabled.)
  • Administrator can now upload images directly to the server and embed them in their HTML content when using the form WYSIWYG editor(s).
  • Completely new item search to make is easier to find items in large store databases. New sorting features and search filters. In addition to the previous advanced item search features available in the ASP admin system, with the PHP version the administrator's can now easily search for which items are turned on for the home page displays, featured items, specials and the sort results by the following choices: active, disabled, price, title, product id, brand, category, sub-category and collection, customers can now sort their catalog results by highest or lowest rated (reviewed) products, most or least viewed items, most or least popular (sold) items, most recently added or oldest items and most recently edited (updated) or oldest updated items.
  • New Customer Manager with a tabbed interface like the products manager.
  • New Product Manager tabs system with a cleaner, more initiative interface.
  • Custom List Menu Functions in the Product Manager have been combined on a uniform screen to make it easier and faster to manage the custom item list menu selections
  • The Product 'Delete' function is now on every screen in the product manager instead of just on the 'General Info' screen which some administrator's found difficult to locate.
  • Master Administrator now can define the admin user account's login expiration / password change duration. (Default 30 days) (Required for some payment processor's PCI compliance requirements.)
  • Process Phone, Mail and PO payments for customers direct from admin.
  • Administrator can specific order refund / credit reason (notes) when processing order credits. (This feature helps the administrator when looking back at the order in the future to determine why there was a credit applied.)
  • Add | Delete Order Payment Information directly from the order details page.
  • Update order status information directly from the order details page without having to go to another page.
November 2011*
  • New "One Page Checkout" With Registration, Billing Information, Credit Card Entry And Comments Combined On One Form.
  • New MOBILE Version Of Sample Website | Online Store With Support For Both Basic And Commercial API Device Detection/Redirection. Mobile Version Can Be Applied To Any Previous Version Of Site Store Pro Including Custom Installs.
  • New Jquery Modal Status Display On Registration And Billing Processing (i.e. Please Wait Dialog)
  • New Failed Order Logging System And Failed Order Reports / Convert Failed Order To Valid Order Feature.
  • New Auto-Inventory Check To Item View For Items Without Inventory Record(s).
  • New Batch Products Import System (Released 10/3/2011).
  • Fixed Shipping URL On Order Confirmation Email Not Displaying Correctly With Long URLs.
  • Fixed Bug In Dynamic Navigation Menu Where Category > Subcategory Was Not Rendering Correctly As Ordered List.
  • Fixed Bug In Paypal Standard To Save/Display Custom Input Fields In Order History.
  • Fixed CSS Issues On IE8 Where Registration Form Fields Aligned To Right Of Page On 100% Width Site Designs.
  • Fixed Bug In Admin Customer Registration Form Manager Where "Middle Name" Was Always Turn On In Specific Some Installs.
  • Optimized Paypal Express Checkout Code With Faster Query Response For Paypal Order Confirmations.
  • Optimized Checkout Code That Speeds Up Payment Provider Response For Better User Experience On Slower Servers.
  • Removed Login Information From Download Orders For Enhanced Customer Information Security/Privacy.
  • Added Error Checking To Auto Generated Store Email(s) Sending Process To Prevent Page Error When SMTP Server Not Connecting.
September 2011*
  • New Sample Store Design With Extensive jQuery Features, Streamlined CSS, Cleaner Checkout Forms, Faster Skinning With New Site Designs and Smaller Code Footprint.
  • New jQuery / CSS Dynamic Menu System With Nested / Dependent Categories (Based On Dynamic Drive Smooth Navigation Menu (v1.5))
  • New Dynamic jQuery/CSS Home Page Gallery (Slideshow) System (Replaced Previous Dynamic Top Image Area) : (Based On Dynamic Drive Ultimate Fade-in slideshow (v2.4))
  • New Dynamic jQuery/CSS Horizontal Sale Items Scroller (Based On The jQuery Infinite Carousel Plug-In)
  • New "Featured" Items jQuery/CSS Item Scroller (Can Be Placed Anywhere On Site)
  • New "Special" ( Sale) Items jQuery/CSS Item Scroller (Can Be Placed Anywhere On Site)
  • New "Add To Cart Via URL Link" Feature. Can Add Direct Links On Facebook, Twitter, etc to have item directly added to shopping cart. Can also use Direct Link feature to place static "Buy Now" buttons (links) on non Site Store Pro enabled sites or HTML only pages that do not load the Site Store Pro cart framework.
  • New Video Player That Supports HTML 5 and Falls Back To Flash On Non-Supported Browser. Application Now Supports H.264 Encoded Video Playback For Media Purchases. (MP4). (Based On VideoJS HTML 5 Video Player)
  • Modified Admin Product Sales Reports With Date Range Filter Options.
  • Added Captcha Verification On Item Detail's Product Review Submission Form
  • Added Captcha Verification On Admin System Login
  • Modified Admin "Remember' Me Feature To Prevent "404 Error" and Redirect Back to Admin Home Page If Accessed Directly In Same Login Session.
  • Fixed Typo Where "SMTP" (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Abbreviation) was spelled "STMP" on various admin files
July 2011*
  • Download Items Via Email Order Confirmation: Allows The Merchant To Include A Direct Download Link In The Order Confirmation Email Instead Of Having The Customer Login To Their Account Manager To Download Their Item(s). Feature And Download Link Texts Are Controlled Via "Order Details Content In Auto-Generated Order Messages" Under Store Setup > Email Configuration Setup In Web-Based Admin.
  • Added Minimum Order Quantity Per Item Feature. Managed Individually Via Products Manager In Admin.
  • USPS Version 4 XML Update : Updates USPS Processing Code To New USPS Version 4 XML Specification.
  • International Region Shipping Fix : Fixed Issue Where Empty Billing Region Caused Billing Authorization Failure.
  • "Free" Downloadable Item (Products) Feature Works With All Payment Processors Now.
  • Fixed Bug Where Item Personalization Info Was Not Showing Up In Customer Order Confirmation Email Display.
  • Fixed Bug Where Merchant Could Accidently Leave 'Special Price' Value Empty (Null) Which Could Break Product Display On Website.
  • Added New Report To Show Last 100 Customer Account Manager Logins
  • Added New Report To Show Last 100 Product Downloads
  • PayPal Pro Direct Payment API Patch (International AVS Update)
January 2011* 2.1101
  • Take Store Offline (Maintenance-Mode) Feature
  • Disable Pricing Display & Add-To-Cart Feature Individually Per Item
  • MailChimp Email List API Integration
  • Constant Contact Email List API Integration
  • Tell-A-Friend Submission Form Updated With Captcha Verification
  • Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) System (Front-End & Admin Manager)
  • Turn Sales Tax ON/OFF Individually Per Customer (Reseller Feature)
  • Modified Ship Module For Incorrect Flat Rate Filtering For Criteria Range #4
  • Removed Invalid Instructions On Admin Product Manager Related To Options Fees
  • Fixed Bug That Allowed Sales Tax To Be Applied To Wholesale Users By Default.
  • Fixed 'Forget Password' typo on SQL install script for login page text
  • Fixed Issue With LinkPoint (FirstData) Code Not Sending Correct order total value certain item-specific discount scenarios
  • Updated Copyright Text In System Emails and Tell-A-Friend Form To 2011
  • Fixed Issue on Trial version Install Where FLV Path For Sample Video Was Invalid.
  • Fixed Incorrect Delete Instructions When Removing a Master Category Record
  • Modified Admin Products Search To Prevent Active/Non-Active Items Display Bug
June 2010*
  • New Editable & Sortable Custom Product List Menu Options 1 & 2.
  • Ability To Associate Specific Product Color Image(s) When Item Is Added To Shopping Cart (instead of adding default image).
  • New Manual Upload Feature For Server Installs That Don't Include an Auto-Resize Component.
  • Fixed Issue On Admin 'Add User Form' Not Recording Unique Tokens For 'Remember Me' feature.
  • Fixed Issue On Admin Add User Form To Prevent Duplicate Emails Added Via the Master Admin.
  • Fixed Issue on SubCategory Dependent Menus Not Rendering Correctly when content contained Word pasted content.
  • Fixed Issue On Shop-By-Occasions Search Not Returning Correct Results When Filter Greater than 10 records.
  • Removed Hardcoded 704 Pixel Width From Store Results Display Area (/store/store_results.php)
  • Updated Gift Certificate Processing Code To Fix Bug In Gift Certificates Not Being Disabled After One-Time Use In Specific Installations.
  • New Batch Gift Certificate Generator In Web-Based Admin Discounts Section.
  • Fixed Issue on Default Events | Wholesale User Registration Records Missing Billing Company Label
  • Added Multiple SKU Search For Advanced Inventory Records
  • Added Support For Coupon Code Filtering on Category, Sub-Cat, Style, Brand discount type.
  • Fixed Issue On Product Reviews Display With Extra DIV tag
  • Updated PayPal Pro Processing Code To Fix PayPal IPN Error Message
  • Fixed Windows 7/IE 8 Download Window Issue. (Windows 7 - IE8 blocked access to download popup)
September 2009
  • Added new dynamic home page system with complete web-based content management.
  • Added updated checkout code to fix sporadic SSL Issue where shopping cart contents were lost due to server session reset.
  • Fixed bug in shopping cart cookie that prevented returning visitors from viewing last visit's items over shared SSL connection.
  • Fixed issue on International rates configuration page in web-based admin where 'Edit' button was not working in Firefox.
  • Fixed Size, Color, Material display On/Off feature not working on search results configuration.
August 2009 *
  • Added Completely Redesigned & Updated Sample Store.
  • Added Flash Video (FLV) On-Demand Streaming Video and Webinar System.
  • Added New Brands, Categories And Subcategories "Drill-Down" Links System.
  • Added Previously Viewed Items Feature.
  • Added "Show All" In Search Results Feature.
  • Added Faster Product Search And Sorting Engine.
  • Daily, Weekly And Monthly Specials Added To Sample Store.
  • Added Feature To Turn Off/On # Of Items In Menu Links And Search Results.
  • Enhanced Testimonials & News Display Pages.
  • Added Wholesale Pricing Support In Shared SSL Environment.
June 2009
  • Added support for Item-Specific coupon codes.
  • Added new online help system and new admin system menu layout that includes help system tab.
  • Added Discounts and Refunds totals to Date Range Report .
  • Added ProdID to admin search keyword filter.
  • Added new 'landing page' for admin product's manager with summary information for specific item.
  • Added 100% Off Item Specific Discount With Free Shipping Feature.
  • Added CSS Top Navigation Menu System In Sample Store.
  • Added Include File For Bottom Menu Links In Sample Store.
  • Changed LinkPoint (YourPay) Gateway to First Data Global Gateway
  • Added New Total Sales Per Product Report.
March 2009
  • New email master template (removed login information from all emails except password request and orders with downloadable items).
  • Fixed display bug on administrator's test email HTML "my account" link.
  • Fixed bug where user's could not register when email starts with a number.
  • Enabled "Footer" content display on /store/default.php page via the web-based admin.
  • Added referral URL tracking to Rewards (Affiliates) program.
  • Added Rewards activity reports to web-based admin system.
February 2009
  • Updated admin product manager with faster load times and text-based tabs instead of image based tabs.
  • Updated TinyMCE HTML editor to newer version throughout web-based admin.
  • Added new installation zip file format and streamlined install procedure.
  • New Advanced search form and enhanced product search code.
  • Modified user registration system to accept password with all caps.
  • Added code to check if user did not enter any search term and/or did not not change default 'Find Item' keyword text (limit search results to not return all records when no search term entered).
December 2008
  • Added New CSS formatting for auto-generated system emails.
  • PayPal PayFlow Link support added.
  • LinkPoint (YourPay) payment gateway support added.
  • Added New Refund system to orders manager to process full or partial order adjustments.
  • Modified order reports to deduct refund amounts of order sales totals.
June 2008*
  • Added SHIP-Only Option To "Download & Ship" Feature for downloadable items.
  • Added New Total Downloads Report.
  • Added New Shopping Cart Activity Report.
  • Added New Email Addresses Export Options.
  • Added New Sales By Date with Totals Report.
  • Fixed bug in QTY Discount where upper range was not calculating correctly.
  • Added New Site Testimonials Feature.
  • Added Sort Search Results By "Date Added" & "Last Modified" In Web-Based Admin.
  • Changed link on admin order details page to view customer's profile and not edit customer's profile.
March 2008
  • Added easier License Activation System to Site Store Pro Installation.
  • Added enhanced product search code and sorting feature.
  • Fixed Special Handling Fee display issue on product details page.
  • Added mandatory error message for color, size, material list selection error(s).
  • Fixed bug where sales tax was not calculating for gift (alternate) shipping address.
January 2008
  • Added Enhanced Rewards (Affiliate) System with 100% Web-Based Configuration and Management.
  • Added Enhanced Cross-Selling Module with UNLIMITED cross-selling associations and multiple cross-selling display options (item details page / after add-to-cart).
  • Added New Home Page Item Randomize Include Feature.
  • Fixed Issue With Search Box Image Triggering Non-SSL content error message.
  • Added Innovative Gateway Support To Checkout System.
  • Added 10 Additional Optional Fields To User Registration Manager.
December 2007
  • Added 10 Custom Input Text Fields/Text Areas (5 + 5) to item display and shopping cart display.
  • Converted Shopping Cart Display Page To 100% Dynamic & CSS formatted.
  • Added Item Details Page "Breadcrumbs" Include File Option.
  • Fixed Issue With AOLs Internal Browser (version 7.0) not displaying cart correctly.
  • Fixed issue in states table with typo on Wisconsin (WI) state record entry.
October 2007
  • Fixed Wholesale user-type minimum order amount restriction.
  • Fixed download product not being available over Shared SSL certificate.
  • Added New Shipment Configuration Manager in Admin.
  • Added BCC option to ALL system generated emails.
  • Added Recurring Billing Support.
  • Added "Clean" store install option (MS SQL Script).
  • Added 'Preferred User' discount option to web-based admin and checkout system.
August 2007* 2.0708
  • Added Enhanced Download Product Tracking and Download Usage Report To Web-based Administration.
  • Added Option To Limit Number of Discounts Applied To Order.
  • Added Option(s) to discount manager to filter Brands, Items and Category | Sub-Cat | Collection Discounts by specific QTY and Subtotal.
  • Added Support For Cybersource Payment Gateway.
  • Added Additional Cross-Selling Items From 4 to 12.
  • Added Enhanced Email Manager with Email Preview and Test Sender.
  • Added "Auto-Purge" Feature to delete store usage activity on automatic schedule.
  • Added Tell-A-Friend, Wishlist Icons To Admin Store Configuration settings.
  • Added "Skins" Feature to Admin and User Updatable Default Skin Parameters in Store Configuration (setup).
  • Added New Export Reports: Usage History Quick Export, Email List Quick Export.
  • Added Admin-Defined Image Properties (Dimensions and Upload Restrictions) instead of having to edit source code.
  • Fixed discount calculation error when applying multiple discounts types to same order that conflict with each other.
  • Added new shopping cart administration with enhanced "auto-formatting" options.
  • Added "Dual" shopping cart option to display specific display for either events, products or orders with both events and products.
March 2007 2.0703
  • Added Affiliate (Merchant Rewards) program.
  • Added Google Checkout Support.
  • Added Copy/Paste Item Link parameters and Category/SubCat/Style Menu Link parameters to admin.
January 2007* 2.0701
  • Added Wholesale Pricing & User-Type Registration.
  • Added Daily, Weekly & Monthly Options to Specials.
  • Added Enhanced Discount Management Administration Module.
  • Added Active Stock Level Inventory Management Feature.  
  • Added Usage Tracking For Store Search and Item Views.
  • Added Protx (UK) checkout gateway support.
  • Removed Dreamweaver Extension Install requirement.
  • Added downloadable, free trial version of Site Store Professional.
  • Added PayPal, Enterprise and Developer Versions Of Site Store Professional.
September 2006 2.0609
  • Added Shipment Date/Time Estimate Notice Feature For Individual Products.
  • Added Cross-Platform Support For Unlimited Images Per Product Feature. (Flash 8 Upload Control). 
  • Added Dynamic Front-End Image Gallery Component. 
  • Added Support For Product-Specific (Admin Defined) Option 1 And Product-Specific (Admin Defined) Option 2 To Include Fees And Automatic Line Item Price Adjustment In Shopping Cart And Orders.
March 2006 2.0603
  • Added Paypal Pro Support to Web-Based Admin.
  • Added CMS (Visual Editor) To Product Manager. (Long Description Field).
  • Added Quantity Range Based Discount Per Product.
  • Added New “Tabbed” Product Manager Admin Interface.
  • Added Download and Ship options to Digital Download System.
January 2006* 2.0601(Original Public Release)
  • eStore shopping cart application renamed Site Store Professional ecommerce system (Site Store Pro).
  • Added client installation option (downloadable zipfile).
  • Added Secure Digital Download System (Media On-Demand) Feature.
  • Added Store Usage Tracking Option.
  • Added Item Gift Wrap Option.
  • Added Item Special Handing/Preparation Fees Option.
  • Added Dreamweaver Extension To Installation Package.
  • Added Browser-Based Setup Wizard For Master Admin And Primary Store Configuration.
  • Added Server Email Component Configuration Via Admin Control Panel Instead Of Static Configuration File.
  • Added Disable/Enable Wishlist And Tell-A-Friend Features Via Admin.
Versions prior to January 2006 were customized per client/ installation and not offered as an stand-alone (turn-key) product. Previous versions of Site Store Professional (prior to January 2006) were branded as the 'eStore' system from eDirective. The core shopping cart features from the eDirective eStore system were integrated into the Site Store Professional stand-alone shopping cart package (zip file) in January 2006.