New Version Of Site Store Pro Posted!
- New MailChimp 3.0 Plugin. (Recommend all API platform users install this part of the release / update, click here for stand-alone upgrade.)
- Updated core keyword search code to work with MySQL 8x.
- Updated AJAX search functions for better usability including back/forward history and direct CMS page access.
- Updated Home Page Image Plugin(s) 1 and 2 with corrected seo friendly alt tags.
- Updated Google ReCaptcha scripts with latest version.
- Updated order review page to fix rendering issue on specific iOS mobile versions.
- Updated several jQuery references to fix issues on specific WordPress installs.
- Updated the Admin area tinyMCE include file to prevent non-secure message under specific admin situations.
- Updated checkout and registration forms to prevent potential PHP 7.2+ issue with custom form field arrays.
- Updated item view page to display more accurately on different mobile display types.
- Fixed issue in admin where items with no active image would return search error under certain session condition.
- Replaced social feed item image with default item image if not specified by admin.
- Applied several PCI-compliance related code fixes to search and item display include files to prevent false positive alerts from ASV scan.
Upgrade instructions:
Before performing an upgrade, make a backup of both your /sitestorepro/ and /estore_admin/ site folders as well as you backup your store's MySQL database. To upgrade your current install, download the new installation zip file package from your account manager, extract the contents of the zip file to your desktop and then upload the folders inside the "Upgrade" folder (/sitestorepro/ and /estore_admin) up to your hosting account or server. Note: The new version will only update installs with a version ending in "i". If your shopping cart was installed prior to January 2015 or does not end with a "i", you will need to upgrade to our mysqli platform before applying the new version. If you need assistance with the upgrade process or would like our team to upgrade your install(s), please submit a support ticket.Category:
Site Store Pro News & Cart Announcements