New Site Store Pro and WP Cart Pro Shopping Carts Posted!
- New Quick View Item Popup - Cleaner Display (FlexBox CSS) that is not dependent on bootstrap. Item Quick View Modal window can now be triggered for individual items from anywhere on the site on both Site Store Pro and WPCartPro installs. (instead of only from product search result grids, home page displays and the store default landing page).
- New Automated Database Installation - No longer need to connect to database and install SQL script manually. The most requested feature addition by designers and developers!
- New Social Logins plugin included for all platforms. The Social Logins plugins allows the user to login their with Google, Twitter and Facebook accounts to bypass the user account registration and therefore increase order conversions.
- New customer registration feature to activate a minimal "quick" account registration form (name and email only) that overrides the required field settings such as address, city, and country. Will automatically prompt user for the shipping address information if required.
- New Guest user alert on /myaccount/ page. Instead of automatically logging guest users off the site and redirecting them to a login page, it alerts them that they are guest user only and must register for a full, password protected user account to access the myaccount area. Also, gives the guest user the option of returning to the order checkout area
- New WPCartPro Wordpress shopping cart features including home page items display with quick-view add-to-cart features, home page items carousel, sliding cart display, /myaccount/ area display, categories display and more.
- Modified Store Default Display (/store/index.php) and CSS file with <h2> tags on section headers
- Modified tell-a-friend form processing code to prevent STMP server rejections for non-verified "from" email address.
- Modified Dashboard Yearly Sales Graph to auto-populate current year sales data (in case install is not updated from previous year)
- Modifed margin-left width on small devices on store results and item view pages to prevent text alignment/readability issues.
- Modified (limited) form width on password reset page to prevent formatting issues on some WordPress Themes.
- Modified system-generated email(s)formatting to display more consistently on small device screens.(order confirmation, registration confirmation, password reset, etc)
- Modified system-generated email(s) to specify sender 'name' on all email types. (order confirmation, registration confirmation, password reset, etc)
- Modified shopping cart display page and order review page coupon code field to force limited width for compatibility with some WordPress themes that force all form fields 100% wide.
- Fixed issue where admin area help system keyword search was not working on PHP 8.1.9
- Fixed WordPress CSS load issue on store default page where CSS wasn't being loaded on Ajax callback items under specific WordPress configurations.
- Fixed issue where item qty selector widget would not display on one line in specific WordPress themes.
Site Store Pro News & Cart Announcements