Store Dynamic Menus Configuration
There are two dynamic store menus : Left Navigation and Top Navigation.
The left navigation is configurable in all versions of the cart, including WordPress. If is managed by going to Store Setup > Left Nav Drill Down Configuration.
The left navigation features are managed at the above area. However, you can turn the dynamic left navigation bar on individual pages. The pages that will show the left navigation menu are the home page (except in WordPress), the store landing page (/store/index.php), the store product search results page (/store/store_results.php), the item view page (/store/item_view.php) and the CMS content page (/page/index.php) (except in WordPress)
The Top Dynamic Navigation Menu system is only used in the Dreameaver and Web-Designer versions (since WordPress has it's own menu manager). To manage the dynamic top menu, login to your admin, go to CMS > Top Navigation Menu.