Colors, Materials and Sizes Overview

Colors, sizes and materials are the most common options that are associated with items in online stores.

Colors, sizes and materials are therefore built into Site Store Pro as global product options. Global options are item characteristics that most likely will be applied to multiple items.

When adding colors, sizes and materials to your online store, you only need to add them once as a global option and then you can associate them to ANY item in the store. This saves a tremendous amount of time for large stores with similar items that use the same options.

For example, with Site Store Pro, you can add Small, Medium, Large, and X-Large as sizes into the system. After adding these sizes, they will be available to ANY item in the store. Therefore, if you are adding multiple items that have S, M, L, XL size choices, you only need to check off which sizes correspond to the item(s) instead of adding the same sizes every time they are needed for an item.

For efficiency, colors, sizes and materials should be added to the system before adding the products that will be using those options. 

However, you can always add and associate Colors, sizes and materials to any product at any time.

Colors, sizes and materials are controlled via the web-based product manager inside the admin and can be assigned (associated) with an item by editing an item and clicking on the specific tab (colors, sizes, materials).

The steps to associate a color, size or material as an option to a product are:

1) Add the color, size or material to the system as a global option under the ‘Products’ section of the admin.

2) Add a new item or edit an existing item in the web-based admin and then select the option type you want to associate with that item (color, size or material)

3) When the option type page loads, check off which options should be associated with that item.