Cart Update Posted on 11-13-2017
We have posted some minor updates to the cart download files that include resolving some jQuery issues on specific WordPress installs, a tinyMCE update as well some fixes to resolve false positive alerts on specific PCI scans.
You can download the last cart version update(s) from your account manager.
To upgrade your install, download the full zip file from your account manager for your cart version, extract the zip file contents to your local system and upload the two folders (/estore_admin/ and /sitestorepro/) inside the 'Upgrade' folder to your installation.
As always, we recommend backing up your current /estore_admin/ and /sitestorepro/ folders as well as making a backup of your store MySQL database prior to performing any version upgrade.
Important Note: this patch only applies to cart versions from May 2017 or newer. If your version is 2.1705-i. you may apply this upgrade. Versions prior to May 2017 should not be upgraded with this latest patch. (we do however recommend that you upgrade your install up to the latest version of the cart which is 2.1705-i) (Any version install of the cart will include the latest patches.)
If you have any questions about the cart upgrade process or need assistance upgrading your install(s),
please submit a support ticket.